About Today’s Episode:
Welcome back to the show! Today we're interviewing an amazing woman named Tori.
Tori is a client and I wanted to bring her on the show to share her story of how she has broken free from all of the diet culture nonsense.
Tori was training for hours every day. She thought she was stuck with a 1200-calorie diet and restrictive programs like Weight Watchers. She felt so much anxiety and fear around food that she felt like she wasn’t able to live her life.
That’s not sustainable. That's not the way to do it. That's where Tori was coming from.
Now, she has gone from chasing skinny to chasing strong, which has led to her losing even more weight and body fat and keeping the weight off—and she's not afraid of food anymore.
I wanted to bring Tori on the show so you guys can hear all this directly from her—from someone you can relate to—because I know it’s not the same to just hear me telling you guys this stuff.
I’m really excited about this one! Let’s get into it!
2:51 Sponsors
4:58 About Tori
Transcript (click to expand)
About Tori:
Prior to coaching, Tori was a grad student. She put her schoolwork first and neglected her physical health and diet.
Tori has always been a small person, standing at just 5’ 2” tall, and weight had never been a concern for her, but after grad school, she had reached her heaviest weight of 152 pounds.
Tori decided to go on Weight Watchers and started going to the gym. She did lose 20 lbs, but was constantly sore and had very little energy. She decided to stop doing Weight Watchers but quickly realized that she had no idea how to keep the weight off.
She had been following Jared for some time and decided to sign up for coaching.
Sydnee’s Approach with Tori:
When Tori first started with Sydnee, she was afraid to eat more. Because of this, Sydnee started a little slower with Tori, but over time they were able to gradually increase her calories from 1200 to 1900.
Tori is also now consistently eating over 100 grams of protein daily compared to just 50 grams a day prior to coaching.
Since working with Sydnee, Tori has lost inches while maintaining her weight of 132 pounds.
Tori was also very afraid of the scale when she first started coaching, but she learned by weighing herself every day that the scale fluctuates for all kinds of reasons—and that fat gain doesn’t happen overnight.
Overcoming The Fear of Eating More:
Tori was scared of eating more because she thought she would gain weight.
Additionally, she was specifically afraid of eating certain foods that she really loved—like pasta and cheese—because she again thought that those foods would inherently lead to weight gain.
Tori’s fears came from a lack of understanding about food and the body. She did not know that her 1200-calorie diet contributed to her exhaustion and that she actually needed to eat more.
Now, Tori is looking better and feeling better and eating more than she ever thought possible.
Eating more stopped becoming scary when she started seeing results while eating the food she enjoyed.
She simply stuck to her calories, made sure she was hitting her protein goal, and kept following the advice of her coach.
“It almost feels too easy,” something that Tori struggled with in the beginning.
She continues to say, “I'm eating so much food. I'm eating what I love. I have snacks before bed every night. Sometimes I have a Pop-Tart. Life is good now.”
The Most Impactful Part of Tori’s Journey:
For Tori, repairing her relationship with food has been by far the most impactful part of the journey.
Previously, Tori would avoid going out with friends and would get nervous if she did go out.
She would get really upset with herself if she went out with friends on a Friday night and either spend her entire weekend thinking about it, or she would go off the rails and then “start over on Monday.”
Now, after coaching, Tori is able to simply go out and enjoy time with friends without fear or guilt.
She just goes out, has a meal at a restaurant she loves, and is back on track the next day—something she was never able to do before.
Tori’s Progress and Mental Shift:
Sydnee saw a real shift in Tori around the third or fourth set of progress photos, when Tori express frustration that she wasn’t making any progress, but Sydnee pointed out the muscle gain she’d had.
Once Tori was able to recognize that the food she was eating was helping her, she truly went all in.
Tori sometimes can’t even believe that the muscle she has gained is a part of her body. She’s never really gained muscle previously so these changes have been very exciting for her.
She has also noticed that she has so much more energy and she recovers much more quickly.
Previously, she would be sore for 5 days after a workout, but now if she is sore, it’s usually only for 1 day.
Tori had followed Jared for about a year before signing up for coaching, while she was doing Weight Watchers, but she never thought that the methods could work for her.
She would see the progress of other clients and think, “That could never be me.” She could never have imagined that she would progress so much through coaching.
Why Tori Signed Up For Coaching:
Tori had gotten to the point where she was tired of restricting and tired of not being able to eat the things she wanted. Before coaching, her relationship with food was horrible and food gave her anxiety.
She didn’t like food and she was unable to enjoy a meal. She was wrapped up in thinking about what she was eating, when she was eating, and a ton of things surrounding food that really didn’t matter.
How Sydnee Worked Through Tori’s Fears:
There were a lot of signs pointing to the fact that Tori needed to eat more food—like her lack of energy and struggles in the gym.
Again, because of her fears and anxiety surrounding eating, Sydnee worked Tori’s calories up slowly and along the way pointed out how Tori was progressing—and how her energy was increasing.
Sydnee and Tori also talked about nutrition and calories and how a calorie is different from a nutrient.
Recently, Tori was going home for a weekend and was nervous about not tracking her food, but she just embraced the experience and when she got back from her trip, she got back on track, the scale went back to normal, and everything was fine.
Sydnee points out that these moments prove to your brain that nothing bad is going to happen and you can maintain your healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Jared emphasizes that this is the essence of Dieting From The Inside Out. You have to get your brain to experience doing these things—while getting results—to build irrefutable proof, because once your brain is fully bought in, everything else is a breeze.
Sydnee’s favorite moments come when it’s not her who has to push Tori, but Tori pushing herself and getting herself out of her comfort zone—like when she decided to change gyms to take her training more seriously.
Dealing With The Old Self:
When thoughts of or the desire to want to restrict creep in, Tori reminds herself that she is feeling better and seeing results. Thinking about how she feels and how she used to feel when she was on a restricted calorie diet helps her see that it makes no sense to revert back to her old ways.
It’s no longer logical to her to revert to her old self.
What Made Tori Invest In Herself:
There was some initial hesitation for Tori to make the investment, but she had tried so many things previously and she wanted to change—and ultimately felt that changing for herself wasn’t something that she could really put a price on.
Tori knew that she needed to change her mindset and that, while she could lose weight, she needed to invest in herself now so she could be happy.
She knew that by signing up for coaching she was gaining knowledge for life and she truly feels as though she is set up for long-term success.
Jared emphasizes that right now is the best time to get started.
If Tori had waited 10, 20, or 30 years, things would have only regressed. Even if you have already waited decades to change, now is still the best time.
The main driving force for Tori was confidence. She had low self-confidence and she wanted to do something for herself that would benefit her.
Jared points out that where you spend your time and money speaks volumes about where your focus is, and that by investing in yourself you are proving to yourself that you are worth showing up for.
What Has Made Tori So Successful:
Sydnee believes that Tori’s success comes from her ability to take the fear out of her identity and just do. She has been stronger than her fear and has been committed to eating the calories, weighing herself, and making changes.
Tori has also been very detailed and transparent during check-ins—and that open communication has made a big impact.
Jared finds that many people lie to themselves—they say they are tracking their calories, but really they are estimating their calories. Tori went into this knowing that she needed to be honest—because lying to herself or Sydnee wouldn’t get her anywhere.
What’s Next For Tori and Closing Thoughts:
Tori plans to keep going, maintaining, and improving from here. She has an immense amount of gratitude for how far she has come and wants to continue growing.
Her advice to listeners is to not be afraid to eat more food, go to the gym, and keep going—even when you might not want to.
Sydnee says to not let fear hold you back—think about where you want to be and how you’ll get there. Make decisions today that tomorrow you is going to be proud of.
Tori says that if you are on the cusp, think about how badly you really want it—and be willing to put in the work.
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Post-Production by: David Margittai | In Post Media
Website: https://www.inpostmedia.com
Email: david@inpostmedia.com
© 2023 Jared Hamilton